Photo from WBAP
Yesterday, many people were disgusted and appalled by the behavior of FOX "News" and Radio's John Gibson, for his comments and "jokes" two hours after the announcement of actor Heath Ledger's death. He's been rightly taken to task all over the blogosphere--on the left hemisphere, that is.
I'm steadfastly opposed to providing links to the right-wing commentary on the story, as they are unworthy of the revenue a click might generate. It will suffice to say that the same juvenile, sub-Jr. High level behavior that is on display whenever they discuss gay issues (any gay issue) has been on display now. Why? Because Heath Ledger once played a gay character in a movie.
I digress. Anyway, today I was running errands for work, and caught a bit of right-wing talker Mark Levin's show. He's part of the second-string of conservative talkers, but gets decent ratings, I guess. How, I have no idea. His voice is incredibly irritating, especially when he gets worked up. His voice is mosquito-like, similar to the warm-up eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh sounds that Jay Leno makes as he segues between jokes. Only Levin sounds like that all the time.
I know that sounds mean, but really--he's on radio, and he has an extremely annoying voice. It's similar to (and simultaneously completely different from) listening to former MSNBC host, Rita Cosby. It would be unpleasant if I agreed with him.
In the short time I listened, he featured author Jonah Goldberg, who was trying to say that all of the negative stereotypes held of conservatives are actually liberal traits. Riiiight. I also heard him interview Orrin Hatch, who was saying that telecom immunity is necessary because these companies were only doing their patriotic duty by doing what ever their government asked of them. Chilling.
And finally, Levin defended John Gibson's deplorable behavior regarding Heath Ledger's death. He said that Gibson was under fire from liberals. That he was a victim of "cheap shots." That he was a good guy, and then he supportively said, "Hang in there, Johnny." And he never mentioned what John Gibson had said that got him into trouble in the first place.
Sean Hannity calls this guy, "the great one." OK, I guess that tells you all you need to know!
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