I've believed for some time now, that a Democratic win in November would be a mixed blessing. On one hand, it would definitively end the Bush 43 era, which many of us consider to be a long, national nightmare. But on the other, the shiny new Democratic President would be left big steaming piles of poo in nearly every category.
This will be delicious fodder for the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Coulters, et. al., as they gleefully pick apart every word, every decision, every move of the new chief executive. And anything even remotely negative will be blamed on the Democrat, regardless of where the blame really lay.
This will be most tedious if it is Mrs. Clinton that wins, because we already went through eight years of that excruciatingly tiresome picking. And I don't believe that bunch is going to come up with new material, do you?
Hillary Worst President Ever
[Editor's note: That title only implies what Republicans will be saying from day one.]
Who ever takes the oath of office in January 2009 will immediately take the blame/ownership for the huge disaster caused by your Republican Party. I believe this mess will take more than 4 years to turn around. Can you say one termer? [snip]
At some point the Democratic candidates need to quit attacking each other and start talking, and talking loudly about what a mess has been created, and that this mess was brought to you by the Republican Party. . .
Read more at: Daily Kos
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