I've said before that I really don't understand the Log Cabin Republicans. To the uninitiated, LCR is the biggest organization of gay and lesbian Republicans. I don't know if they embrace the full alphabet soup "GLBTQ," but they've got the GL. Anyway, given the nature of the current Republican Party, I just can't for the life of me figure out why any gay person would identify as such.
But they do. So I got to wondering who they're supporting for President this year. While gay issues have been rather back-burnered this political season, the issue does crop up. And the Republican contenders have quite a negative response to gay issues. Even the two who used to be more amenable--Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney--have flipped and flopped and faked an anti-gay cred in order to try to get elected.
As it turns out, the Log Cabin Republicans have not yet endorsed a candidate. I find this a little odd. Yes, the year is only three weeks old, but this primary season was rather famously ramped up this time. Could it be they have an embarrassment of riches to choose from? Heh. I'm thinking not.
But the LCR website does have a run-down of each major candidate's positions, which is interesting reading, should you want to check it out. But by the time you get to the bottom of the list, you'll wonder. . .where's their choice?
Don't understand Log Cabin? Let's see... Republicans control a vast swath of political territory in parts of the country that would never vote Democrat under any circumstances. You won't win the final battle for LGBTQI(NGO) rights without winning over Republicans. Let's see. Which is the best strategy... scream at them from the sidewalk about how they're all Nazis or try talking to them one on one in calm rationale voices, showing them what being gay really is. Do you think my screaming at you and calling you names would make you switch parties or change your mind about ANY topic? ; )
ReplyDeleteThank you for your amazingly fast response! And no, I really don't get the concept of a fervently gay Republican (fervently Republican gay?).
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that trying to win over Republicans is a really good idea. But yelling at them or joining them are not the only options!
I was a gay Republican, at least nominally, until 2006. I'd pretty much given up on them in principle after the hideous 1992 GOP convention (you know the one). But I'm 41, almost 42. I've given them enough time to get themselves together. Done. With. Them.
And however you and I might differ on all of that, you must agree that there is very little choice available for gay Republicans in this election, right?