Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sometimes, You've Got to Get Rude

Do you remember the Republicans' response to Democratic strife when George W. Bush was declared--by the Supreme Court--the winner of the 2000 Presidential election? Sore losers. They didn't want to hear about voter suppression, halted recounts, staged "Brooks Brothers" protests, Katherine Harris. . . It was just, "suck it up, you lost." Sour grapes, they said. It was much the same in 2004, when Ohio (with the help of Ken Blackwell) ultimately went for Bush again.

But this time, it's different. This time, Barack Obama won a decisive victory, with no hint of a squeaker that could go either way. Despite the cries of ACORN allegedly stuffing ballot boxes, only the tinfoil-hattiest of conspiracy theorists could seriously claim that almost eight million phantom voters decided the election.

But complain they do. And doom-and-gloomify they do. So, the only antidote to the insufferable whining of the hardcore righty sore losers is to get rude. And who better than The Rude Pundit to supply the rude?


Advice to Soul-Searching Conservatives: Stop Being Such Jerks

Here's some advice to conservatives seeking to define who they are in an America that said, "Suck on this" to them and voted for the Democrat: Stop being such f***ing jerks about sh*t. Sure, sure, this advice comes from someone who believes that conservative ideology needs to be burned to the ground and the ashes made into an artificial ass that he can then f**k into dust that he can then take a post-orgasm p**s on, but, you know, otherwise it comes from the heart. . .

Read more (but be warned, it's rude!): The Rude Pundit

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