Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama's Press Conference, Reviewed by FReepers

Image from source, the hilariously creative FreeRepublic

Every once in a while, I like to check on the wingnuts at FreeRepublic, the popular far-right political commentary site. Now, I don't recommend this for everybody. It's like an alternate universe, where everything that has ever gone wrong is a Democrat's fault, and where George W. Bush was the best President ever! Still, it can be educational, even a little bit of snarky fun.

When they're not keeping tabs on the dreaded gay agenda or fighting the War on Christmas, they're picking apart whatever relevant Democratic politicians they can find. Or, as they might say at FreeRepublic, members of the "Democrat Party." Big D Democratic will never cross their keyboards. And the biggest Democrat right now is of course, our new President, Barack Obama.

While watching last night's presser, I was certain that over at FR, they'd be assailing Obama for something. I figured what they'd zero in on was the "ums," the "uhs," the "aaaaaands" and the pauses in Obama's speech pattern. Bingo. According to them, he's an empty suit. Worthless without a teleprompter. And they read those halting moments as proof that he doesn't have a thought in his head. Mmmkay.

I saw something different. I saw a man measuring his words. A man wishing to be honest with America, while at the same time being sure not to say too much. After all, a wrongly worded phrase would bring the weight of the world down on his head. And the FReepers would lead the charge. So, he was thoughtful, and he was careful. And his words--once delivered--didn't for a moment indicate that he was short in the intelligence department. Given the fact that he was doing this for the first time as President, I'm willing to cut him a little slack.

He also pronounced "nuclear" correctly. Which brings me to the reality check. For supporters of George W. "The Decider" Bush to be picking apart the way the current President speaks? That's just too funny for words, man! I mean, come on! We've endured eight years of foul-ups, bleeps and blunders from The Commander Guy. The comparison couldn't be more stark. Still, I guess they have to cling to something.

A sampling:

"Missed the first question. Mr. Articulate he ain’t—he may be clean though."

"He’s making W look like a Rhodes Scholar!"

"It’s pitiful. More dead air than words, words strung together almost nonsensically when not dead air. Poor camera presence, pale and wan, uncertain aura."

"This guy is almost incoherent: “Most economists almost unanimously agree...” Can you imagine Bush saying this?"

Editor: No, I imagine W. saying something more like this:

"A lotta econo. . .uh. . .eco. . .uh. . .money guys, kinda uniformarily sees it my way! 'Nother words, the people who knows 'bout this stuff agrees with me! Nukuler!"

Source: FreeRepublic

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