Photo from source, NTSMediaOnline
I started listening to Air America Radio not long after they started. I was looking for The Al Franken Show, having been a fan of his for years. To be honest, I didn't even know there were other hosts there. When I first tuned in--via the Internet, as there is still no AAR affiliate in Las Vegas--I heard the honking voice of Randi Rhodes. While it took a little getting used to, I quickly became a fan of hers, and listened to the entire lineup.
Since those early days, there have been many line-up changes, which is usual for the radio business. And there have been many very public embarrassing scandals and foibles, including a bankruptcy. Even so, they've chugged along, despite the fact that conservative critics pretend that they have been off the air, when they haven't.
But even I may be doing without AAR pretty soon. First, there was a very public blow-up with Randi Rhodes, who left the network. Sam Seder, a favorite of mine, got bounced around and publicly embarrassed on air. Then, with her growing TV persona, Rachel Maddow reduced her presence to what is now basically just a replay of her MSNBC show in the early morning. Now, Thom Hartmann--the replacement for Franken when he ran for office--is leaving too.
Since I stream AAR on KTLK out of LA, I might not notice the difference. If they pick up Hartmann, it will be the same as it was when Rhodes switched to Nova-M Radio. No change for me. They already run The Stephanie Miller Show, which isn't part of AAR. If KTLK keeps Hartmann, the only AAR show left when I'm at work will be The Ron Reagan Show, and by that time of the day, I'm rarely even paying attention. I'm not sure they're going to survive this latest transition.
Hartmann Segues To Dial-Global
Currently syndicated through Air America Media, The Thom Hartmann Show will move to Dial-Global beginning March 1. . .
Read more at: NTSMediaOnline
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