Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crazy Like a FOX: Lying About Ron Paul

Image from source, Raw Story
You know, there's something weird afoot when FOX "News" is lying in order to discredit a conservative. I mean, clearly, they're trying to make Paul look bad. Which is kind of funny. Paul is undoubtedly an eccentric political figure, and it is understandable that many Republicans would want to see him painted as a kook. But the Republican/Tea Party is full of kooks, and FOX employs a great number of them. How far out there do you have to be to be pushed aside by FOX? And then, there is the question of why a "news" channel would be in the business of promoting or de-moting any candidate.


Uncovered: Fox News deceptively used old CPAC footage to smear Ron Paul

Interviewing Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) on his victory in the CPAC 2011 presidential straw poll, the conservative Fox News Channel did something slimy: they cued up footage of the prior year. . .
Read more at: Raw Story


  1. I think Paul is more of a libertarian instead of a conservative. I agree with him on a few things and disagree with him a lot more. Fox can do what ever it wants with Paul, he has a small core of rabid supporters. And when I mean rabid, I mean rabid- you really need shots to be close to them.

  2. A rabid following, yes. But arguably no more so than Sarah Palin's fans. . .


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