Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Blogiversary: 7 Months! New Year!

Greenlee Gazette tucks one more month under the belt (and believe me, there's a lot less room in there right now), as of midnight. And it was a pretty good month, I'm happy to say. We chalked up over 4,000 page views, with almost 3,000 total readers for the month. Added to our totals, we're now past 12,000 visitors for the run of the blog. That's small potatoes for the big blogs of course, but for a small-time (almost) one-man show, I'm pretty proud of it.

I'm still looking for ideas. I'm looking into ways to promote the blog and bring in more traffic. I've tried to pepper this space with some fun stuff, in addition to the super-serious political pieces. I've added a few recurring features like Shameless Gossip, and Featured Blog, in addition to Blast from the Past. In the coming months, I hope to institute a little more structure, possibly scheduling certain features for regular days of the week. A cartoon is still an idea that intrigues me, if I can find the time.

Also this month, contributor and friend, Stupid Monkey Planet is set to debut in his own space. If that goes on as planned, there will likely be a great deal of cross-pollination between our two sites, which should add a distinctly different flavor to the blog. Please stick around, and bring your friends!

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