Sunday, January 6, 2008

Electronic Voting Machines Still a Disaster?

Photo from source, New York Times

Congress is often labeled with the pejorative "do-nothing" moniker, some times non-deservedly. When it comes to voting reform--particularly voting machine reform--they really have done next to nothing.

There have been so many voting irregularities in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006, it seems incomprehensible that Congress hasn't done something about it. But, Republicans (who don't really want everyone's vote counted) and Democrats (who are scared of their own shadows) in Congress have failed to act.

Interesting things have been happening at the grass-roots level. A whole slice of the left-wing blogosphere/internets is devoted to voting irregularities, particularly and These efforts have led to some reform on the local level, with some districts and -even states banning electronic touch-screen machines. Conservatives in cyber-world, on the other hand, seem more interested in pointing and laughing at the lefties who are concerned; or they complain about very small scale irregularities on the other side as proof that "everybody does it."


Can You Count on Voting Machines?

. . .For a while, it had looked as if things would go smoothly for the Board of Elections office in Cuyahoga County. . . [snip] . . .Then at 10 p.m., the server suddenly froze up and stopped counting votes. . .

Read more at: New York Times

1 comment:

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