Friday, January 11, 2008

Man Cuts Off Hand, Cooks in Microwave

Wow. Few stories hit me like this one did. . .

This poor, delusional, religion-soaked guy took "Crazy Christian" to its extreme. I'll bet he was reading the collected Left Behind series of Armageddon books, and became convinced that he was Nicolae Carpathia. Poor sucker. I hope he gets the help he needs, and comes to realize how nutty all that "anti-Christ" nonsense is. Everybody knows the AC is Dick Cheney!


Man Cuts Off, Microwaves His Own Hand

A man who believed he bore the "mark of the beast" used a circular saw to cut off one hand, then he cooked it in the microwave and called 911, authorities said. . .

Read more at: CDA Press


  1. I feel sorry for the "poor dilusional", sarchasm-soaked, illiterate guy who made that comment. People need to find something better to do than to capitalize on the misfortune of others. The man in question happens to be someone that i PROUDLY call my good friend. Mental illness is just that, an ILLNESS, wich is more than i can say for IGNORANCE! Too bad there's no medication for that....

  2. Wow. Sorry to offend. With these types of stories, it can be easy to forget that real people are involved. Trust me, this story WILL end up on many, many blogs, and "news of the weird" newspaper columns.

    While I was flippant in my commentary, I don't feel I was overly harsh. He clearly is dilusional, and he must have been fueled by religion. I myself am agnostic, and personally think religion can be dangerous. This proves it.

    As for your assessment of me, I'm aware that it is colored by your situation, but "illiterate?" That's not nice.

    Anyway, if you are indeed a friend of the person from this story, I stand by my last sentance: I hope he gets the help he needs.

  3. I appreciate your sincere(?) apology and i hope that no one that you love ever has an experience or illness, like that of my friend, as it is TRUE that people LOVE to use such things as fodder for their immature prattle. As to whether or not he is "clearly dillusional" may have to actually know him as a person, to accurately make that judgement. I will not argue that the incident in question was one made out of dillusion, however, people such as yourself, make hasty and uninformed statements all the time, yet may not, in fact be STUPID, because of such things that you say.

    I read your profile and understand that you are agnostic...the true meaning of wich is as follows:

    a. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
    b. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
    2. One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

    As a self-proclaimed "agnostic" you sure seem to stray from the definition of such, with comments like "I hope he gets the help he needs, and comes to realize how nutty all that "anti-Christ" nonsense is."

    That seems like an open and shut opinion to me. And one that i hope you someday discover is not accurate. BUT, that's a WHOLE DIFFERENT SHOW!!!

    Regarding my calling you illiterate...i apologize. There is not any legitimate excuse for me to have done so, so i will not try to make one and i very sincerely apologize, and do not truly feel that you ARE illiterate...

    And as for my friend, he is, in fact, getting the help that he needs, and is in a much better frame of mind. Thank you for your genuine concern.

  4. Lizzybeth,

    I don't know if you had a chance to look at the internet/blogosphere today for other sites that have written about this story. I would suggest that you not do so. My (very) short, cavalier attempt at dark comedy was tame by comparison.

    Just the same, I now realize that your friend is a real person, and my jokiness should have been tempered with more concern. For good or ill, this sort of story falls into the "Darwin Awards" category of subjects, and is very likely to attract the kind of post I wrote. I will in the future keep your response in mind when writing about other people.

    As for the agnosticism, the best definition I could give you is: I don't think any religion (and there are countless religions) has gotten it right. But I'm in no position to know that there isn't some great force, or other unexplained phenomena out there. That would pretty much be "b" in your list.

    Yes, I think the concept of Anti Christ is silly, and the choice of Dick Cheney is just a joke.

    Anyway, as my last word on the matter, I am sorry to have caused you discomfort. I hope your friend recovers mentally, and as best he can, physically. The original post will remain, as these comments will make no sense otherwise (and it's sort of a blogger rule not to delete posts as if they never happened), but I may update it this weekend to reflect these issues.

    Take care,


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