We've all had moments like this, haven't we? You find something amusing on the internet, maybe a little off-color, perhaps a tad pornographic, and you decide to send it to a buddy or two. Somehow--maybe your auto-complete puts in the wrong name, or you check "send to all" by mistake--you send it to your Mom, your boss, maybe everybody in your address book.
And you always notice you did it half a second before the window disappears, and "email sent" pops up.
Democratic Strategist (in FOX "News" parlance), Susan Estrich had a moment like that recently. She got an exciting new job, and wanted to share it with everybody. But instead of putting all those people's names in blind copy, she put their names in the main address box. Which means all of her big-named contacts now have their personal email addresses released to everybody who got the letter.
No big whoop, unless somebody in the mainstream gets hold of it, right? Somebody did. . .
(Click to Enlarge)

Source: Gawker
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