Monday, February 11, 2008

Conservative Humor: GOP Valentine Cards

As long as the GOP keeps me on their mailing list, I'll always have a few things to post about here on the blog. The most recent mailing highlights something I've touched on in the past, but can always use a little attention.

The topic is, why is "conservative humor" such an oxymoron? FOX "News" attempted a Daily Show ripoff called The 1/2-Hour News Hour, a horrifically unfunny show that was mercifully put to sleep in short order. After Dennis Miller shifted right, he also got a gig on FOX, adding commentary to various programs, and utterly cancelled out the rest of his career. Soooo not funny. Outside of those two attempts at conservative humor, I have real trouble even coming up with examples. Unintentional conservative humor abounds (just check out Hannity & Colmes), but the on purpose stuff is elusive.

That's because political humor is a tricky thing. You have to start with the funny, not with the partisanship. Conservative humor usually comes off forced, and is often mean-spirited, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, or a combination of those things. You might laugh a little, but you'll feel guilty for it.

Ah, but you want proof. OK, here is the GOP's current attempt at humor, a collection of Valentine's Day cards from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Hilarious, right? I'll spare you the rest, but if you feel so moved, check it out here.

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