Photo from source, Raw Story
Politics makes strange bedfellows. For example, Ann Coulter and Hillary Clinton. Urp. . .sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. . .
Annnnyway, the media has been going on and on about the animosity between rival candidates on both sides. Hillary vs. Barack is like, the worst political fight ever! It's dirty! It's personal! And of course, Mitt Romney vs. John McCain was treated much the same way.
People say there's no way these rivalries could reconcile, and support each other; let alone combine to form a ticket. Bull pucky. Today, Mittens endorsed Grampa McCain. So, see? They kissed and made up. I suspect this happens every four years, and we just forget about it.
Democrats would probably be delighted to see a combined Clinton/Obama ticket, though they'd surely fight about who gets the top bunk. But what about the Republicans? Would they be ready for a McCain/Romney ticket? Urp. . .there I go again. . .
Romney flipping his support, delegates to John McCain
Apparently Mitt Romney has been able to bury the hatchet with former campaign trail nemesis Senator John McCain. Romney endorsed McCain at his headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts just after 4:30 PM.
"It's easy to lose sight of your opponent's finer qualities, but in all honesty, I could never do that," Romney said. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
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