Sunday, February 3, 2008

"Restore America" Conference: Theocracy Advocates

Gaaah. If you wonder why I take such a dim view of religion, and particularly the co-mingling of religion and politics, the video for this "event" might help explain it to you.

The myth that this country was founded as a "Christian Nation" is embraced by this group. And if the video is to be believed, over 1,000 elected officials will be attending the event. Disgraceful. This is not what the founding fathers envisioned.

The video is rather tedious, but stay through the list of speakers. One is an "ex-gay" advocate, and that right there is enough for me to dismiss this group as a bunch of charletons.


  1. America WAS founded as a Christian nation. What religion do you think the Puritans were? Read the Mayflower Compact. Wake up! John Lofton, Editor,

  2. Bull pucky. Yes, the earliest Americans came here to practice their wacky religion away from everybody. But the founding fathers, Jefferson, Franklin et. al. very clearly and very definitely DID NOT want religion and politics intertwined. Period.


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