Photo from source, Newsweek
51% - 36% with Barack Obama in the lead? Wow. We all know a lot can happen between now and November, but this is heartening news, given so many neck-and-neck previous ones. One thing that is seldom discussed with these numbers though, is turnout. If the primary percentages hold, and Democrats far out-vote Republicans, it shouldn't matter how close it is.
But we need a large win. We need polls like this one going in to November. Because if we're back to neck-and-neck, it provides the opportunity for more voting monkey-business by the crumbling Rovian machinery.
Barack’s Bounce
Barack finally has his bounce. For weeks many political experts and pollsters have been wondering why the race between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain had stayed so tight, even after the Illinois senator wrested the nomination from Hillary Clinton. With numbers consistently showing rock-bottom approval ratings for President Bush and a large majority of Americans unhappy with the country's direction, the opposing-party candidate should, in the normal course, have attracted more disaffected voters. Now it looks as if Obama is doing just that. . .
Barack finally has his bounce. For weeks many political experts and pollsters have been wondering why the race between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain had stayed so tight, even after the Illinois senator wrested the nomination from Hillary Clinton. With numbers consistently showing rock-bottom approval ratings for President Bush and a large majority of Americans unhappy with the country's direction, the opposing-party candidate should, in the normal course, have attracted more disaffected voters. Now it looks as if Obama is doing just that. . .
Read more at: Newsweek
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