Image from source, LTR
Does anybody out there remember the "Fairness Doctrine?" It was an FCC regulation that required equal time to both right and left opinion on public airwaves. It seemed pretty fair, and there were ways around it for the very determined. But it disappeared during the Reagan administration. That--not coincidentally--is around the same time of the birth (and afterbirth) of right-wing talk radio. Wall-to-wall conservotalk became the norm on AM radio, with some hosts like Rush Limbaugh even competing against himself on multiple stations.
I'm not sure there is a very strong push to reinstate the doctrine, but the very notion makes people lie Sean Hannity very, very nervous. And anything that does that deserves more discussion!
. . .So, what is this "Fairness Doctrine?" It was enacted in 1949, and mandated that various viewpoints be represented on the airwaves. Sounded okay in theory, but as time progressed, it became clear that you can't lead a horse to water and expect it to drink. In short, you can't force broadcasters to do quality radio. . .
Read more at: LTR - Liberal Talk Radio
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