Image by Editor from images found on the Internets
Wait, let me get this straight. Brit Hume, top "hard news" dog at FOX "News" misrepresented a story about Barack Obama to make it seem like his half-brother said Barack has a "Muslim background?" Get out of here!
Of course, I'm being sarcastic. "FOX Fans" usually deny that their fave cable news station is in any way biased. They will occasionally admit that their commentary shows (Hannity & Colmes, The O'Reilly Factor) are biased, but they will point to Shepard Smith or Brit Hume and insist that they are "fair and balanced." Phooey, I say.
The funny thing about this instance (one of countless examples) is that Hume's mistake was in not reading further into the article he was quoting. He quoted the introductory paragraph, which was summarizing the article. That summary made it seem like something was said that wasn't. Hume might have known that if he didn't want to make hay out of yet another Muslim angle. Maybe he ought to stop skimming, and read.
Hume falsely claimed Obama's half brother told The Jerusalem Post that Obama had a "Muslim background"
On Special Report, Brit Hume stated that Malik Obama, Sen. Barack Obama's half brother, "tells The Jerusalem Post that 'if elected his brother will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background.' " In fact, the article to which Hume was apparently referring indicated that Malik Obama did not speak directly with the Post but, rather, gave an interview to Israel's Army Radio. Moreover, nowhere in audio of the interview that ABC's Jake Tapper posted did Malik Obama assert that Obama "will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background. . ."
Read more at: Media Matters
Funny... I thought Brit Hume was Lurch's half brother. Striking resemblance... Lurch got the brains & Brit got the.... well... looks???