Photo from source, Wikipedia
For years now, liberals have complained that the Bush Administration has committed war crimes. Now, a former General has confirmed that, in stark terms. What now? Dennis Kucinich has been trying to impeach the President for this an many other charges. But that, as everybody expected, the other members of Congress have no interest.
I've seriously got to wonder, what could future Presidents possibly do to get themselves in trouble? For people wondering what President George W. Bush's legacy will be, I think I have an answer. His legacy will be to insulate any future administration for anything they ever do. Precedent has been set.
Retired Gen. Taguba: Bush Administration Committed "War Crimes"
Writing the forward to a Physicians for Human Rights study of 11 former detainees who were apparently tortured by US military personnel and later released, Army Maj. General Antonio Taguba (Ret.) writes that "there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account. . ."
Read more at: ABC News
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