Image from source, Think Progress
As much as I despise simplistic sloganeering in political campaigns, the term "flip flop" was practically branded on John Kerry's forehead, and on countless other Democrats along the way. Republicans change their positions as "conditions change on the ground." Democrats rarely get the same latitude.
But thanks to the internet, we can now clearly spell out these so-called flip flops for everyone to see. And given John McCain's hardline comments about the Supreme Court's recent decision on habeas corpus, this one should be big news.
Raising the specter of Osama bin Laden being tried in civil court, McCain invoked the Nazi war crimes trials to declare that bin Laden should be denied habeas rights at all costs, Supreme Court be damned. . . [snip]
McCain has invoked the Nazi trials at Nuremberg before to uphold his position on habeas. Unfortunately for McCain, in that instance it was to push for granting those rights to terror detainees. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
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