Image from source, TPM Muckraker
This story is a prime example of how the right-wing operates, and for why we absolutely need a change in the political direction in this country. There is no guarantee that a Barack Obama Presidency would bring about that change, but of our two choices, it is the best one we've got.
It's possible--maybe probable--that other Presidents (and their administrations and supporters) have engaged in this type of behavior. But the Bush Administration (with support from right-wing talk radio and FOX "News") have turned "truthiness" into standard operating procedure. It works like this: assert something to be true, even if you know it's not. Appear on FOX "News," and spread your story. If your story is questioned or even debunked, keep repeating it anyway. Friendly surrogates and pundits then quote your story, and eventually report the story as true. Over and over. For a grace note, you can then cite one of those people as evidence of the merit of the story!
This China/Cuba story by all appearances is false. Just like the Iraq-9/11 story, and oh-so-many others. No matter how thoroughly debunked it is, some of the right-wing mouthpieces will still assert that it is true. Maddening.
Searching For The True Source Of A Bogus Story
We've been trying to find the original source for that mysterious meme about China drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba and Florida.
It's flat out wrong. The AP debunked it a few days ago after Vice President Dick Cheney tried to pass it off in remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce about high energy prices. . .
It's flat out wrong. The AP debunked it a few days ago after Vice President Dick Cheney tried to pass it off in remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce about high energy prices. . .
Read more at: TPM Muckraker
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