Photo of Steny Hoyer from source, Raw Story
This story has been exhausting for liberal bloggers like me. For months and months, we've been writing, reading, calling and emailing our representatives, telling them "No immunity!" Congress now seems prepared to "compromise" (read: capitulate) to the Bush administrations' wishes, allowing them to continue to wiretap without warrants. And the biggie: retroactive immunity for the telecom companies who aided Bush illegally.
Not incidentally, such a ruling would also insulate Bush himself from further scrutiny in this matter. And I suspect that some members of Congress from both sides of the aisle want to cover their own butts as well. Disgusting.
Deal reached on wiretap expansion, telecom immunity
Wary of making the debate between liberty and security into a campaign issue, Congressional Democrats appear ready to retreat in their years-long effort to instill some sort of accountability on the Bush administration and its enablers in the telecommunications industry for their extra-legal surveillance of Americans. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
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