Image from source, AmericaBlog
I've covered the dumb Barack Obama rumors a bit here on the blog. And I've covered the official Obama Fight the Smears site, which aims to shut them down. But one of the smears I've stayed away from keeps cropping up, especially on right-wing blogs. I've been saved from having to do any heavy lifting on the story by AmericaBlog, where John Aravosis has a great piece up explaining just who this guy is.
And a good thing too, because I just didn't want to do it. This guy is about as credible as Tom DeLay. And the particular smears he's selling are rather unsavory too, especially when you see who they're coming from. If you are interested, or--heaven forbid, you believe this stuff--check this out.
There's a rather odd (to say the least) guy who's been claiming for months that he has dirt on Barack Obama. The thing is, the guy's credibility is, well, shall we say "spotty." Ben Smith at the Politico reports that the guy has a 27-year criminal record. And he's apparently wanted by the state of Colorado. Above you can find his "WANTED" notice from the Pueblo County, Colorado Web site. It's ironic that the cops are asking anyone with information about this guy to contact them, because you can find him today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. (Ben Smith did in fact contact the Sheriff, who says they can't extradite the guy, but that he will be arrested if he steps foot in Colorado. The Sheriff did, however, contact the FBI about the guy.) . . .
Read (lots) more at: AmericaBlog
Oh, and also from AmericaBlog: Wacky Obama accuser arrested
And how much do you wanna bet the right-wing blogs will be saying that Obama got him arrested?
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