Image from source, Scopical
There doesn't seem to be any big negative against Barack Obama yet, at least nothing that's ready for prime-time, or we'd very likely have seen it by now. So instead, we're treated to daily doses of "scandal-ettes" or non-events that are trying really hard to become scandals.
We've had crazy Christian preachers. There've been charges that Obama is a Muslim (a charge often made by those complaining of his 20-year association with a Christian church--cognitive dissonance at its finest). Then there have been the truly stupid items, like a "terrorist fist bump," Michelle Obama's comments have been twisted, allegations of sexual impropriety against Barack by a 27-year career criminal. And watch out! There's a tape out there with Michelle giving a racist rant! Uh. . .sure there is.
So, quite logically, the Obamas are engaging in a bit of damage control. Which kind of stinks, because most of the stuff they're having to rebut is either false or overblown. They have a new website dedicated to unspinning the spin (FightTheSmears.com). They had Michelle go on ABC's The View, and the on-camera crowds at events have been shuffled around to get a better "image" on camera. Standard stuff, really.
Apparently, a couple of Muslim women were asked not to sit behind the candidate, which makes sense to me for obvious reasons. Having them there would have set off another meaningless firestorm in right-wing world. Unfortunately, it was inartfully handled, and became a blowup anyay. The ladies--if they really are Obama supporters--ought to understand this. Anyone who looks in some way different or unusual to the average American is going to draw attention. He probably wouldn't want a couple of drag queens sitting there either, or bald-headed bikers with studs through the bridge of their nose, or goth kids in full vampire regalia.
I'd wager that one Muslim woman wouldn't have presented much of a problem. Two starts to look like it's on purpose, since we by now expect these crowds to be somewhat "hand picked." And that's all it would have taken to set off an explosion on the right.
There is a lot of talk that Obama's "campaign of change" shouldn't be playing politics as usual. They shouldn't be "marketing" to soften Michelle Obama's image. And on and on. But a certain amount of politics as usual has to be played. We have a messy system, and while it would be nice to completely reinvent it, if they tried they'd probably be lambasted for that.
Muslims kept away from Barack Obama
Two Muslim women say they were purposefully kept away from US Presidential candidate Barack Obama during a rally in Detroit. . .
Read more at: Scopical
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