Images from source, Page One Q
Quick. Name the two least likely Senators to co-sponsor a new federal "Marriage Protection" Amendment to the Constitution. Did you guess Larry "toe tapper" Craig, and David "I like hookers" Vitter? You can cut the irony with a knife, huh?
Honestly, which does marriage more damage? Furtive restroom sex with a strange man, hiring a prostitute, or The Other Half and I getting married in Palm Springs? I for one am more than a little insulted by all of this.
Two United States Senators implicated in extramarital sexual activity have named themselves as co-sponsors of S. J. RES. 43, dubbed the Marriage Protection Amendment. If ratified, the bill would amend the United States Constitution to state that marriage "shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. . ."
Read more at: Page One Q
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