Friday, August 15, 2008's 5-point Plan for an Obama Victory

I was given a mandatory day off this pay period (and they say there's no recession?), and since we work only half-days on Fridays, I decided to take two of those. Might as well make the time off enjoyable with two long weekends, right? But because of this unplanned time off, and having just had a huge "family & friends" gathering earlier in the week, I've been lazy.

As such, I haven't blogged very much today, or really paid attention to the news. But I'm digging in this evening to see what I can find. First up is kind of a cheat, a video from It's only a cheat in that they sent it to me, I didn't have to go look for it. It's a five-point plan to ensure victory by Barack Obama in the fall. It's not for all tastes, but if you're a political junkie like me, you'll dig it.

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