Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Karl Rove's Insights on the Warmth of Michelle Obama

Gaagghhh! Fair warning folks, this is a video of Karl Rove, deconstructing Michelle Obama's powerful speech last night. He ain't pretty, and just watching the guy requires a couple of drinks, a strong stomach or both. But even a strong stomach will have trouble tolerating Rove, talking about emotions and warmth.

Not surprisingly, Rove didn't think Obama's speech was very good. But his comments are so far from the speech I watched, I can be comforted in knowing that I'm nothing like Karl Rove. And what could be better than that?


Karl Rove Says Michelle Obama's Speech "a missed opportunity"

Was Karl Rove watching a different Michelle Obama speech tonight? Rove called the speech a missed opportunity for three reasons. . .

Source: Newshounds

1 comment:

  1. Karl Rove saying he failed to detect warmth from Michelle Obama is not very surprising. Rove is a cold-blooded snake who needs to lie on a smooth rock in the sunlight to feeling any warmth.


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