Monday, February 15, 2010

More Dental Woes. With Lasers!

I start the week with the bane of my existence looming large on the calendar. On Friday, I have my latest date with dentistry. Or periodontics to be more specific. I've got great teeth apparently (even if they're a bit gappy), but I've got rotten gums. I floss, I use a SoniCare toothbrush, I rinse. But genetically, I'm screwed. I've got periodontal disease, which leads to pockets, which leads to bone loss, which can lead to tooth loss. Perfectly viable teeth set in a set of crappy gums.

I really, really hate going through even minor dental procedures. I get mildly queasy for a cleaning. So imagine how surgery makes me feel. I've already gone through surgery on all of my gums, so I was a little surprised there was enough material there to hack me up again. Fortunately, it is only 1-3 teeth this time, rather than my whole mouth. Also, with my most recent big dental problem, the procedure was so easy, effortless and painless, I have a little less anxiety about it this time.

But that was just a wisdom tooth extraction. This involves cutting. Burning to be more accurate, since they are using a laser this time. Star Trek-style surgery in my mouth! Whoopee! I am relieved that it won't involve the upper teeth, since that (as I learned last time) involves sutures that extend all the way to the roof of the mouth. Those dangly threads were extremely annoying. What I do have to be worried about is the shots. Lower jaw shots suck. Mmmmphff. My mouth is all clenched just thinking about it.

I just hope this procedure goes as well as last time, and I'm writing an "after" post that tells how easy it all was. But as the days tick by, and Friday approaches, I know I'm going to get that sinking feeling. We'll see how it affects my willingness to blog.

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