Have you noticed there are a lot of political ads running these days? Of course you have, especially if you're in one of the "hot race" areas of the country like I am in Las Vegas. A lot of the ads end or begin with "I'm So-and-so, and I approve this message." But this year there are also a lot of ads sponsored by patriotic-sounding groups you've never heard of, like Citizens for Lower Taxes and Freedomy Liberty! But these groups can often be shadowy and mysterious. Who are these people? It would seem that they a) don't really want to know us who they are, and b) are effectively trying to buy elections all over the country.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Frivolity Break: Worst Movie Line Ever?
This is supposedly the worst movie line ever. I'm not so sure about that, but it is most assuredly some of the worst acting ever. For the worst line ever, you might want to watch M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening. Then again, you might not.
Posted at
Thursday, September 30, 2010
James Greenlee
Bad Movies,
Frivolity Break,
Horror Movies

Religious Knowledge Study Has Surprising Results
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Image from source, Pew Forum |
Oddly, I rarely approach these discussions with the intent of converting anybody to my way of thinking. My role is usually just to explain why I believe--or rather don't believe--the way that I do. It is roughly akin to banging my head into a wall, but I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. But I've found in these discussions that I often--very often--know more about religion than the religious themselves do. Oh, not chapter and verse. I was never much for memorization. Still, I have reasons from my state of disbelief, and those reasons are based on the good book itself. My knowledge of Hinduism, Islam and other non-Christian faiths is a little more spotty, but that's because I've rarely run into anyone from those religions trying to convert me.
The one thing that did surprise me is that a lot of Catholics don't know that transubstantiation--the conversion of the Eucharist and wine into Jesus' actual blood and flesh--is literal. I can't say I blame them for attempting to wipe cannibalism from their minds. Just, ewww.
U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey
Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on questions about the core teachings, history and leading figures of major world religions. . .
Read more at: The Pew Forum
Posted at
Thursday, September 30, 2010
James Greenlee
Organized Religion

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tarryl Clark Fights "Crazy Eyes" Michele Bachmann
Yeah! There is so much crazy to fight with Minnesota's Michele Bachmann, it had to be difficult for Democratic opponent Terryl Clark to choose just what to say about her. But the issue of Social Security is a good one, a nice solid hit. And since Bachmann looks crazy in most photos, a liberal sprinkling of them in this ad serves a dual purpose. I just hope we see more of these kinds of ads. Clear, concise and effective.
Meg Whitman Has a Little Illegal Alien Problem
Image from source, LA Times |
Former Whitman housekeeper alleges she was treated like 'garbage'
The California governor's race took on a circus-like atmosphere Wednesday as a former housekeeper for Meg Whitman alleged the Republican gubernatorial nominee employed her for nearly nine years, even though Whitman knew the housekeeper was in the country illegally. . .
Read more at: Los Angeles Times
Posted at
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
James Greenlee
Right-wing World

New York Tea Party Governor Candidate Has Staff Problems
For all of the accusations that President Barack Obama wasn't properly vetted, some of the tea baggers on the ballot this fall sure seem chock-full of oopsies in their pasts. And their staffs. Also keep in mind--while you ponder if "guilt by association" is appropriate--how often William Ayers and Reverand Jerimiah Wright were 24/7 stories in the conservative media. M'mmkay?

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Image from New York Daily News |
As he mounts an outrage-filled campaign for governor of New York, Carl P. Paladino has vowed to forcibly rid Albany of the wayward officials and misbehaving bureaucrats who he says have demeaned state government, promising to “take out the trash. . .”
Read more at: New York Times
Posted at
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
Guilt by Association,
New York,
Tea baggers

Fake ACORN "Pimp" Dude Tries to Punk CNN. FAIL.
What a dork this guy is.
Posted at
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
James Greenlee
FOX "News" Invents Controversy Over CSI Episode
Last week's season premiere of the long running CSI: Crime Scene Investigation featured an extremist political group, full of anti-government types. They were against driver licenses, corporations and other things. They were depicted as a nutty fringe group, and guest star (and inexplicable teen sensation) Justin Bieber was part of it. The storyline hinged on a terrorist bombing at a Las Vegas policeman's funeral, and this fringe group was involved.
Now, it's funny that FOX "News" jumped to the conclusion that this was a slam of tea baggers. The Tea Party was never referenced by name, and the beliefs expressed by the group didn't line up. In fact, the "expert" consulted here--while slamming CSI and Hollywood in general--ticked off a list of ways the group was different from the tea party. As though there are no extremist political groups in existence aside from the Tea Party. Still, I somehow knew this would be on FOX "News" when I watched the premiere.
Now, it's funny that FOX "News" jumped to the conclusion that this was a slam of tea baggers. The Tea Party was never referenced by name, and the beliefs expressed by the group didn't line up. In fact, the "expert" consulted here--while slamming CSI and Hollywood in general--ticked off a list of ways the group was different from the tea party. As though there are no extremist political groups in existence aside from the Tea Party. Still, I somehow knew this would be on FOX "News" when I watched the premiere.
Posted at
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
Faux Outrage,
FOX "News",
Las Vegas,
Tea baggers

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Did Christine O'Donnell Lie About Attending Oxford?
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Image from source, TPM |
Christine O'Donnell Lies About Attending Oxford University
Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell (R-DE) proclaimed on her LinkedIn the University of Oxford under "education," but it turns out that's another exaggeration on her resume. The claim is that O'Donnell earned a certificate from an Oxford course which her campaign said is "overseen" by a summer seminar program called the Phoenix Institute. . .
Read more at: Talking Points Memo
Is Sharron Angle a Hypocrite for Taking Government Health Care?
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Image from source, Think Progress |
Um, yes, yes she is. And she's batshit crazy. Had to be said.
Sharron Angle And Her Husband Receive Government Health Care
Read more at: Think Progress
Posted at
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
Harry Reid,
Health Care,
Think Progress

Democratic Underground to Fight Copyright Infringement Claim
Political Forum Fights Back Against Righthaven Copyright Troll Suit
Read more at: Electronic Frontier Foundation
Stephen Colbert Takes on Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Shows like The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report help save my sanity some days. With all the politics I read to write the blog, it can feel like I'm living in Bizarro World sometimes. But it's difficult to watch these shows while on the computer, because you miss so much. No bit requires more attention than Colbert's The Word, where half the jokes are in the on-screen graphics. It's worth the effort though, because the results are often inspired.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Word - Army of Mum | ||||
www.colbertnation.com | ||||
Bill O'Reilly Appears on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Last week, Jon Stewart appeared on The O'Reilly Factor, and this week, Bill O'Reilly returned the favor. It's not as good with O'Reilly in the hot seat, because Stewart still has to do all the heavy lifting. But the follow-up was great.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Bill O'Reilly | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Bill O'Reilly Post-Interview Analysis | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Posted at
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
James Greenlee
Bill O'Reilly,
Daily Show,
FOX "News",
Jon Stewart,
The O'Reilly Factor

Are Judges the Latest GOP/Tea Party Bogeyman?
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Image of scary dude from source, Think Progress |
It's getting worse though. Now, when a high-profile enough case irks the right-wing enough, the start campaigns to remove the judges in question. This is a fairly new tactic, and kind of a disturbing one. And it seems that this action is taken not for the merits of the decisions, but because the cases weren't decided in the right-wing's favor. No sir, I don't like it.
Tea Party Nullifiers Seek Revenge Against Florida Supreme Court Justices
Earlier this year, the Florida Supreme Court nixed a state ballot initiative attempting to nullify part of the Affordable Care Act because the ballot language was misleading to voters. In response, a Tea Party-affiliated group launched a campaign to remove two of the court’s justices from the bench. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
Posted at
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
James Greenlee
Activist Judges,
Supreme Court

Monday, September 27, 2010
Segway Company Owner Dies When Segway Goes Off a Cliff
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Image from source Raw Story |
Now, this poor man's death isn't funny. But it makes for a damned funny headline.
Segway owner dies after falling off river cliff
A wealthy British businessman who owns the company that makes the two-wheeled Segway has been found dead in a river in northern England after apparently falling off a cliff on one of the vehicles, police said Monday. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
Posted at
Monday, September 27, 2010
James Greenlee
Death Can Be Funny,

A Possible Good Outcome for Democrats in November?
Image from DuctHide |
The Optimistic Scenario for Election Day
Tired of bleak political news? Here is an optimistic scenario of what just might happen on November 2: some Republican gains, but both houses of Congress remain Democratic. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
Posted at
Monday, September 27, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,

Top 10 Conservative Idiots, September 27, 2010
So many idiots, so little time!
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 381
September 27, 2010
Pledge Of Darkness Edition
This week the Republican Party (1,3) makes the foolish mistake of actually saying what they're going to do if they get elected -- and it's all John Boehner's (2,7) fault! Elsewhere, Susan Collins (5) and Rand Paul (6) teach us all about fairness, and Christine O'Donnell (10) has a plan to... well, you'll see. . .
Read the rest at: Democratic Underground
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 381
September 27, 2010
Pledge Of Darkness Edition
This week the Republican Party (1,3) makes the foolish mistake of actually saying what they're going to do if they get elected -- and it's all John Boehner's (2,7) fault! Elsewhere, Susan Collins (5) and Rand Paul (6) teach us all about fairness, and Christine O'Donnell (10) has a plan to... well, you'll see. . .
Read the rest at: Democratic Underground
Blast from the Past: Classic 70s Commercials!
I couldn't think of any one topic for this week's Blast from the Past, but I knew I wanted to get away from music, and focus on nostalgia alone. While surfing the YouTubes, I found several old classic commercials from the 70s, but not for any one thing. So, here's a hodge-podge of product pitches from this blogger's youth. . .
Posted at
Monday, September 27, 2010
James Greenlee
70s Commercials,
70s Toys,
Blast from the Past,

Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell Debuts Monday
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Image from source, NY Times |
MSNBC is trying to tempt me into making my "problem" worse, by debuting The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell. I like the host--who has appeared as both a guest and a host of the other two shows--for his wit, tenacity and big juicy brain. O'Donnell has worked both with the real Congress and the fictional, idealized White House (on The West Wing). So, while it will be tempting to expand my nightly news/commentary intake, I think I'm going to have to beg off. But I'm sure I'll sample it on occasion, and if something newsworthy comes out of the program, I'll feature clips here. Oh, and if The Other Half is away, I might get lured into watching live. But I wish O'Donnell luck, and ratings.
And in the Left Corner, Weighing In ...
“I’M one of those actors who finds the part in the wardrobe,” Lawrence O’Donnell said. “So this dressing like an anchorman thing is beginning to work. . .”
Read more at: New York Times
SNL Kicks Off 36th Season with Amy Poehler
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Image from Pop Culture Feministas |
If last night's show is any indication, they've done something to fix things. Traditionally, the first show of the year is a disappointment, considering how much has happened over the summer, and how much material they have to work with. This year broke that streak with the strongest debut I can remember since the triumphant beginning of the Dana Carvey/Phil Hartman/Jon Lovitz/Jan Hooks/Dennis Miller era in 1986. That show--with guest host Sigourney Weaver--is one of the few examples of an SNL that was good all the way through. On Saturday, guest host Amy Poehler helped pull off the same feat.
This is a clip from the cold open, with an excellent use of a topic that popped up while the show was on break. Kudos to the writers, and Kristin Wiig, who did a great job as CO'D.
Posted at
Sunday, September 26, 2010
James Greenlee
Amy Poehler,
Kristin Wiig,
Political Humor,
Saturday Night Live,

Republicans Defend "Pledge" in Friendly Territory: FOX "News"
The big GOP "Pledge to America" thingy wasn't exactly a roaring success. Democrats of course are not impressed, but neither were a bunch of Republicans. So, John of Orange Boner Boehner and Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) are defending the lemon pledge on FOX "News" Sunday. But even the vaguely creepy Chris Wallace sounds like he's not buying it, and McCarthy had to do a little flim-flam to find support for the pledge.
McCarthy Cites Editorial That Was Prearranged By GOP Leadership To Show Support For GOP ‘Pledge’
. . .McCarthy misrepresents the right-wing Wall Street Journal editorial page’s reaction to the Pledge. In truth, the WSJ gave a the Pledge a decidedly mixed review, stating that the pledge is “less specific in offering new ideas than was the GOP’s 1994 Contract with America,” and it attacks the Pledge for its unambitious approach to earmarks, health care and tax policy. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
Posted at
Sunday, September 26, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
FOX "news" Sunday

Saturday, September 25, 2010
President Obama Blasts GOP "Pledge" in Weekly Address
Good. Now, keep at it, and punch harder.
Obama Denounces GOP 'Pledge' as Echo of Failed Policies of Past
President Obama blasted the House Republicans' "Pledge to America" on Saturday, calling it the same old "worn out philosophy" of tax breaks for billionaires, cutting slack for Wall Street and other special interests, and letting the middle class "fend for itself. . ."
Read more at: Politics Daily
Obama Denounces GOP 'Pledge' as Echo of Failed Policies of Past
President Obama blasted the House Republicans' "Pledge to America" on Saturday, calling it the same old "worn out philosophy" of tax breaks for billionaires, cutting slack for Wall Street and other special interests, and letting the middle class "fend for itself. . ."
Read more at: Politics Daily
Posted at
Saturday, September 25, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
President Obama

FOX "News": Still Not News

My DVR didn't catch last night's Real Time with Bill Maher, so I had to seek it out on the cable box, and was lucky enough to find it running in. . .well. . .real time this morning. After it was over, I wanted to just surf around the internets for a little while, so I needed to put the teevee machine on something that wouldn't distract me too much. FOX "News" fits the bill. It's good for little else, right?
Heh. Okay, so I'm doing this little experiment. Every so often, I'll stick it on FOX "News" at a time of day when they supposedly are doing "hard news," rather than news commentary. There is no such time of day, apparently. This morning, I landed on America's News HQ, which sounds like a news program. There were two blonde bombshell news readers talking about the GOP "Pledge to America." No, not really talking, pitching. They gave the conservative selling points of the pledge, and left it there, as though there was no counter-point.
Then, they moved on to other issues involving President Barack Obama and the 2010 election. There, they had no problem with counter-points! In fact--just like they do on Hannity, Glenn Beck, Huckabee, and The O'Reilly Factor--they had arguing pundits in split-screen to shout about it! Then they aired various clips of Democrats on the floors of Congress in moments of extreme agitation. . .various Democrats at various times, out of context. I didn't gather what story these clips were connected to, I think it was an attempt to show Democrats being crazy to counter-balance Christine O'Donnell.
Anyway, they managed to squeeze in a little bit of news, a flood, and the Iranian president (where they couldn't resist a little editorializing), but mostly my little experiment proved what it always does: FOX "News" is NOT news.
Posted at
Saturday, September 25, 2010
James Greenlee
FOX News,
Media Bias,
Right-wing Bias

Christine O'Donnell Skit on Real Time with Bill Maher
I realize that the blog has been a little video-heavy, and a little Bill Maher-heavy, but I couldn't resist this clip. From Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher.
Posted at
Saturday, September 25, 2010
James Greenlee
Bill Maher,
Edie McClurg,
Political Humor,
Real Time

GOP's "Pledge to America" Would Add $11 TRILLION to Deficit?
Good grief! For all of the deficit squawking by conservatives, you'd think their recent "Pledge to America" would trouble the Republican base (tea baggers). All of that tax cutting has to be paid for somehow. So, how would they do it? Well, they don't really say. If this story is to be believed, the price would be around $11,000,000,000,000 over ten years. Eleven TRILLION? Is there even that much money in the world?
Republicans Ludicrously Assert That Their ‘Pledge’ Will Lead To Smaller Deficits And Less Federal Debt
Yesterday, House Republicans released their “Pledge to America,” which contains the policy steps they would supposedly take immediately, were they so empowered. The document is chock-full of lofty rhetoric about reducing the size of government, but while it lays out plenty of budget-busting tax cuts — to the tune of $4 trillion — it has precious little in terms of actual spending cuts. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
Republicans Ludicrously Assert That Their ‘Pledge’ Will Lead To Smaller Deficits And Less Federal Debt
Yesterday, House Republicans released their “Pledge to America,” which contains the policy steps they would supposedly take immediately, were they so empowered. The document is chock-full of lofty rhetoric about reducing the size of government, but while it lays out plenty of budget-busting tax cuts — to the tune of $4 trillion — it has precious little in terms of actual spending cuts. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
Posted at
Saturday, September 25, 2010
James Greenlee
Stuck on Crazy,

Nightline Profiles Aaron Sorkin
I've said in the past that the White House should hire Aaron Sorkin as--if nothing else--a speech writer for President Barack Obama. Obama needs a "President Andrew Shepherd" or "President Jed Bartlett" moment now more than ever. ABC's Nightline ran a profile of Sorkin on the eve of his Facebook movie, The Social Network's release. In it, I'm more convinced than ever that Democrats should tap this man's brain. His comments on Sarah Palin, and the rest of the GOP clown car are spot on.

Christine O'Donnell's Views on Evolution
From Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher.
Posted at
Saturday, September 25, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
Bill Maher,
Charles Darwin,
Real Time

Overtime with Bill Maher: September 24, 2010
Posted at
Saturday, September 25, 2010
James Greenlee
Bill Maher,
Political Humor,
Seth McFarlane

Friday, September 24, 2010
Rep. Alan Grayson's Epic Re-election Ad
I'm just a blogger who doesn't live in Florida, but I approve this message!
Stephen Colbert Appears--in Character--in Front of Congress
Posted at
Friday, September 24, 2010
James Greenlee
Stephen Colbert,
The Colbert Report

Gay Kids of America: It Gets Better
There is a new movement, started (I think) by advice columnist Dan Savage, called "It Gets Better." It's for kids in school who are gay, bisexual, or otherwise different. They get picked on, or at least think they will be if they come out. I was there, boy howdy. But the message is, don't get depressed, don't get all down on yourself, it gets better. And this is the best video I've seen that expresses that.
Posted at
Friday, September 24, 2010
James Greenlee
High School,
The Gay Thing

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Bush Administration Wanted Iraq War from the Beginning
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Image from source, PressTV |
'Bush team wanted Iraq war from start'
Declassified documents have reveled that advisors to former US president George W. Bush had focused on justifying a new war on Iraq as soon as he took office.
Official document released on Wednesday show that a few hours after the 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, the then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of attacking Iraq.
Papers posted by the Washington-based National Security Archive shows Rumsfeld discussing war plans for Iraq just two months after the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan. . .
Read more at: PressTV
Posted at
Thursday, September 23, 2010
James Greenlee
Bush Administration,
Bush Era,
George W. Bush,
Iraq War,

Tea Partiers with Costumes and Signs Against Glenn Beck
Recently, self proclaimed tea party "outsider" Glenn Beck appealed to the tea baggers to stop wearing silly costumes, and holding badly spelled signs. Which would sap them of their "look at that shiny thing" media magnetism. I hope they go for it. but if they don't. . .
Found at: AmericaBlog
Found at: AmericaBlog
Posted at
Thursday, September 23, 2010
James Greenlee
Bad Spelling,
Glenn Beck,
Political Humor,
Tea baggers,
Tea Bagging

Michael Moore Gives Up on Democrats?
Thursday's edition of Countdown with Keith Olbermann featured Michael Moore, stalwart defender of liberalism, and he seems to have given up. And I have to say, I'm not far behind him. Day after day, we see conservatives making hay out of things that simply shouldn't work. They demonize almost everybody, talk about privatizing popular programs like Medicare and Social Security. They take credit for things they opposed, and oppose everything else. They have no other plan than what they've done before, John Boner Boehner going so far as to say they are not going to change. Same old policies that were proven not to work. And they're still on track to make great gains in November.
For all the talk of politicians who are more interested in keeping their jobs than fighting for the people, you sure couldn't tell it from most Democrats. They don't even seem to be trying, and there's plenty that they could be doing, not only to save their jobs, but also to fight for the people. It's enormously frustrating.
For all the talk of politicians who are more interested in keeping their jobs than fighting for the people, you sure couldn't tell it from most Democrats. They don't even seem to be trying, and there's plenty that they could be doing, not only to save their jobs, but also to fight for the people. It's enormously frustrating.
Senate Office Posts Homophobic Slur, Conservatives Say "So What?"
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Image from source, Joe.My.God. |
Sen. Saxby Chambliss Admits: It Was My Guy That Said "All Faggots Must Die"
The office of GOP Sen. Saxby Chamblis has admitted that it was their staffer that left the comment "All faggots must die" on this blog yesterday. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. . .
Read more at: Joe.My.God.
Posted at
Thursday, September 23, 2010
James Greenlee
Saxby Chambliss,
The Gay Thing,
The internets

GOP Introduces "Pledge to America"
So they're going to dust our furniture? I like Pledge, though I sometimes get Endust or a store brand. Oh, this is something real? Really? Is it different from the goofy 1994 Contract with America? No? Pretty much the same? Okay then. . .
Drawing on ideas favored by conservatives and stoked by "tea party" activists, House Republicans will unveil a manifesto Thursday that calls for cuts in government spending, repeal of the new healthcare law and a strict constitutional test for every proposed law, according to a draft. . .
Read more at: Los Angeles Times
Read more at: Los Angeles Times
Posted at
Thursday, September 23, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
College Republicans,
Dead Elephant

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Touched by a Missionary (FailBlog)
So, I wanted something to start the day that was kinda light, away from all the heavy political stuff. How's this?
Source: FailBlog.org
Source: FailBlog.org
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Rachel Maddow Blasts GOP Excuses for DADT Vote to Pieces
The attached video clip is fairly long. But if you want to see the difference between a typical cable news commentary show and The Rachel Maddow Show, you couldn't do much better than this clip. While the entire Tuesday night program was full of information and refutations of misinformation (much of it on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell/defense bill vote), this clip contains a complete knock down of the official GOP reasons for filibustering the defense bill. She's not shouting, she doesn't have four or five windows with arguing talking heads. She just lays it out, and proves her point with quotes and video. Love her, seriously.
FOX "News" Shows Edited Tape (Again) to Make Political Point
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Image from source, Raw Story |
Fox News show edits clip to make it seem like Obama can’t lower taxes
Weeks after Sean Hannity was caught selectively editing a clip of President Barack Obama to paint him in a negative light, the Fox News channel has done it again. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
Posted at
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
James Greenlee
Cable News,
FOX "News" Lies,
Fox and Friends,
Steve Doocey

Insurers Get Around Health Care Reform: They Just Won't Insure Children!
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Image from portrait.gov.au |
Health Insurers Up The Ante Over Pre-existing Conditions Rule By Denying Coverage To Children. What Next?
Well! That worked well, didn't it? (As opposed to Medicare for all, I mean.) Possibly the president and our congressional leadership is beginning to understand just what happens when you invite the health insurance vampires into your house: . .
Read more at: Crooks and Liars
Senate Office Used to Send Homophobic Message
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Image from source, Joe.My.God. |
CONFIRMED: Sen. Saxby Chambliss Admits "All Faggots Must Die" Comment Came From His Atlanta Headquarters
I've just gotten off the phone with Atlanta Journal-Constitution political writer Jim Galloway who says that Sen. Saxby Chambliss has confirmed that the "All faggots must die" comment left here on JMG earlier today did indeed come from his Atlanta office. Galloway reports that Chambliss told him his office is conducting an internal investigation. For now Chambliss' spokesperson has issued a preliminary statement. . .
Read more at: Joe.My.God.
Senator Al Franken on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Tuesday, the Republicans in the Senate (joined by two gutless Democrats) filibustered the defense bill. Two amendments to the bill, the "Dream" act--an immigration bill--and a authorization to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) caused friction, but the reasons given for the filibuster don't really jibe with reality. More on that later. First, one of my favorite Senators, Al Franken of Minnesota, had good things to say about ending the archaic policy. I thought I'd share.
Captain Obvious: John McCain Filibuster Dishonest and Calculated
There has been a lot of squawking from the right about the "Dream" Act and an amendment to begin the end of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the defense appropriations bill. John McCain led a filibuster of the bill based on these two issues. But he's being dishonest, and recalibrating his actions based on the hard-right turn in the conservative electorate.
Let's get a couple of things clear here:
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) was enacted in a defense appropriations bill.
- John McCain said previously that if military leaders were for repeal, he would be too.
- Military leaders are now for appeal.
- Republicans used to be proponents of the "Dream" Act.
John McCain is flip-flopping more than a fish on a dock. So when you hear that the Democrats and Harry Reid were trying to "cram" these things "down our throats," it is dishonest, calculated and just flat-out wrong.
Let's get a couple of things clear here:
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) was enacted in a defense appropriations bill.
- John McCain said previously that if military leaders were for repeal, he would be too.
- Military leaders are now for appeal.
- Republicans used to be proponents of the "Dream" Act.
John McCain is flip-flopping more than a fish on a dock. So when you hear that the Democrats and Harry Reid were trying to "cram" these things "down our throats," it is dishonest, calculated and just flat-out wrong.
Posted at
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
James Greenlee
Don't Ask Don't Tell,
John McCain,
The Gay Thing

So Was The Event An Event?
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Image of Jason Ritter from source, LA Times |
Maybe. It has the non-linear storytelling so fashionable in these types of shows, bouncing between the present, a few minutes ago, several weeks ago, etc. It also has a little of Vantage Point thrown in, with the same scenes played out from different perspectives. What could come off as confusing or off-putting was handled pretty well. I never felt lost (though it felt a little like Lost). We didn't get to exactly what "the event" itself is, but have tantalizing clues, particularly right at the end of the episode.
The problem with shows of this type are many. The big reveal could be a letdown. The story could get too complex for new viewers to jump in. Or the show could be cancelled before anything is resolved. Last season's FlashForward had a lot of the same buzz The Event has gotten, and it flamed out in one season. But hey, I held on until the bitter end of that one, so with the assistance of the DVR, I'll probably do the same with this one. Unless they kill off Jason Ritter.
(Incidentally, I also caught Hawaii Five-O, and though I'm not going to write a seperate review, it was good. Very good. Great stunts, good looking actors, great theme. I predict: big hit.)
Television review: 'The Event'
Welcome back to the big leagues, NBC.
With Monday night's premiere of "The Event," the network that as recently as last year seemed hopelessly mired in creative and financial chaos has finally located a tent pole, a new show as big, brash and promising as "Heroes" was a few years back. . .
Read more at: Los Angeles Times
Posted at
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
James Greenlee
Fall TV Season,
John Ritter,
Three's Company

Monday, September 20, 2010
Top 10 Conservative Idiots: September 20, 2010
Oh, how I've missed this feature while it has been on hiatus! And there were so many weeks when it was sorely needed. It may only be back for a short run, but it'll be fun while it lasts. Enjoy!
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 380
September 20, 2010
Teabag Takeover Edition
Surprise! Yes, the Top 10 is back for a special limited run. I'll be checking in with weekly editions between now and the elections on November 2 -- so let's get started! This week The GOP (1) has created a storm in a teacup, which has only gotten stronger thanks to the shenanigans of Christine O'Donnell (2,3). Elsewhere, Sean Hannity (6) is up to his usual tricks, Newt Gingrich (7) is a racist, and Mitch McConnell (8) knows who the real victims of the recession are. . .
Read more at: Democratic Underground
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 380
September 20, 2010
Teabag Takeover Edition
Surprise! Yes, the Top 10 is back for a special limited run. I'll be checking in with weekly editions between now and the elections on November 2 -- so let's get started! This week The GOP (1) has created a storm in a teacup, which has only gotten stronger thanks to the shenanigans of Christine O'Donnell (2,3). Elsewhere, Sean Hannity (6) is up to his usual tricks, Newt Gingrich (7) is a racist, and Mitch McConnell (8) knows who the real victims of the recession are. . .
Read more at: Democratic Underground
Your Moment of Crazy: Christine O'Donnell and Mice With Human Brains!
If Bill Maher is serious about throwing up videos out once a week, this is gonna be fun. This one isn't even from Maher, but he did get the ball rolling. Something tells me there's going to be more than one thing a week to laugh at and/or be terrified by.
Posted at
Monday, September 20, 2010
James Greenlee
2010 Election,
Bill Maher,
Stuck on Crazy,
Stuck on Stupid,
Tea baggers

The Recession is Over! Can Everyone Calm Down Now?
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Image from source, Huffington Post |
The Recession Is OVER, Says Economic Panel
It's official: The longest recession the country has endured since World War II ended in June 2009, according to a group that dates the beginning and end of recessions. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
Posted at
Monday, September 20, 2010
James Greenlee
Bush Era,
George W. Bush,
President Obama,

The Truth About the Tea Parties (Steven Weber)
When I started this blog, we were deep into the waning years of the second Bush Administration. I was deeply frustrated, and wanted to scream out loud my point of view, which seemed to have no--or very little--place in American discourse. The tone shifted abruptly with the run up to the 2008 election, and immediately after. How refreshing it was to not only have my side represented again, but to feel like things were returning to sanity. I knew (and wrote about here) that the conservatives wouldn't take defeat lying down. I knew that they'd be on the attack from day one of the new Obama Administration.
I didn't count on all the crazy and all the stupid. I thought Bush was the end game of those categories. Who could predict the vague but angry tea baggers? The birthers, the deathers? The growing popularity of Sarah Palin? Sharron Angle? Christine O'Donnell? I worry about the country being plunged into a new political era that is stupider, crazier, and more dangerous than the eight years that just about drove me around the bend. That's why I'm glad there are shows like Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report and Real Time with Bill Maher. At least I can see that somebody out there sees what I see. And then there is Steven Weber, the actor and blogger at Huffington Post that always seems to write what I'm thinking, with a wit and style that I can only aspire to. Here is his latest piece, which I wish I'd written.
"They", Tea and Me
. . .See, "they"---that is, the corporate behemoths intent on creating a nation of mindless consumers---are doing to We The People what they also do periodically to foreign countries with phlegm-producing names and brownish people who wear weird headdresses and who have something we want: weaving a fictional scenario in which said foreign peoples are demonized and dehumanized in order to elicit a gut (and therefore thoughtless) response from We The People so We The People will do what "they" want. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
I didn't count on all the crazy and all the stupid. I thought Bush was the end game of those categories. Who could predict the vague but angry tea baggers? The birthers, the deathers? The growing popularity of Sarah Palin? Sharron Angle? Christine O'Donnell? I worry about the country being plunged into a new political era that is stupider, crazier, and more dangerous than the eight years that just about drove me around the bend. That's why I'm glad there are shows like Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report and Real Time with Bill Maher. At least I can see that somebody out there sees what I see. And then there is Steven Weber, the actor and blogger at Huffington Post that always seems to write what I'm thinking, with a wit and style that I can only aspire to. Here is his latest piece, which I wish I'd written.
"They", Tea and Me
. . .See, "they"---that is, the corporate behemoths intent on creating a nation of mindless consumers---are doing to We The People what they also do periodically to foreign countries with phlegm-producing names and brownish people who wear weird headdresses and who have something we want: weaving a fictional scenario in which said foreign peoples are demonized and dehumanized in order to elicit a gut (and therefore thoughtless) response from We The People so We The People will do what "they" want. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Blast from the Past: Classic MTV Videos, Part II
Last week, after MTV's Video Music Awards, I noted that there was a time when MTV actually played music, and that they really set the tone for pop culture in the 1980s. Not a profound thought, I know. But those videos were a lot of fun. I said at the time that the post probably deserved a sequel, so here you go. . .
1. "Strip" by Adam Ant - Punk rock and "new wave" became mainstream by the time of the MTV generation, and by the time this song came out, even Adam Ant was too. He was still something of a rebel, but not by much.
2. "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John - There was a time when the world still didn't know that Elton John was gay. This video should have given them a clue.
3. "Hurts so Good" by John Cougar - I love I remember being surprised that John Cougar (later Mellencamp) had an earring. Wow, things have changed a lot since 1982.
4. "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top - ZZ Top had always been more a staple of AOR, but in the 80s, even they got in on the video music craze.
5. "You Might Think" by The Cars - The Cars was another group that pre-dated MTV, but they made the transition well, logging several video hits. This one was always a favorite.
6. "Open Your Heart" by Madonna- As a long-time Madonna fan, I even shocked myself for leaving her out of my first batch. Here's one of her best videos.
7. "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell - I used a Michael Jackson video in Part I, and he makes a minor (background vocals) appearance here, in a novelty hit by one-hit-wonder, Rockwell.
8. "Crazy in the Night" by Kim Carnes - The really big 80s hit for Kim Carnes was of course Bette Davis Eyes. But it was overplayed so much back then, I'm still sick of it. The Rockwell song reminded me of this Carnes hit, one I always liked better anyway.
That's it for Part II. I'll take a break for next week's Blast from the Past, but I may revisit it again with a Part III. There are a whole lot more great 80s tunes, and still lots of stars I've left out. Happy Monday!
1. "Strip" by Adam Ant - Punk rock and "new wave" became mainstream by the time of the MTV generation, and by the time this song came out, even Adam Ant was too. He was still something of a rebel, but not by much.
2. "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John - There was a time when the world still didn't know that Elton John was gay. This video should have given them a clue.
3. "Hurts so Good" by John Cougar - I love I remember being surprised that John Cougar (later Mellencamp) had an earring. Wow, things have changed a lot since 1982.
4. "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top - ZZ Top had always been more a staple of AOR, but in the 80s, even they got in on the video music craze.
5. "You Might Think" by The Cars - The Cars was another group that pre-dated MTV, but they made the transition well, logging several video hits. This one was always a favorite.
6. "Open Your Heart" by Madonna- As a long-time Madonna fan, I even shocked myself for leaving her out of my first batch. Here's one of her best videos.
7. "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell - I used a Michael Jackson video in Part I, and he makes a minor (background vocals) appearance here, in a novelty hit by one-hit-wonder, Rockwell.
8. "Crazy in the Night" by Kim Carnes - The really big 80s hit for Kim Carnes was of course Bette Davis Eyes. But it was overplayed so much back then, I'm still sick of it. The Rockwell song reminded me of this Carnes hit, one I always liked better anyway.
That's it for Part II. I'll take a break for next week's Blast from the Past, but I may revisit it again with a Part III. There are a whole lot more great 80s tunes, and still lots of stars I've left out. Happy Monday!
Posted at
Sunday, September 19, 2010
James Greenlee
80s Music,
Blast from the Past,

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