I received the following letter today, and urge anyone reading this to take action.
Tell Your Senators: No Amnesty for AT&T and Verizon Lawbreaking
Democrats in the Senate appear to have caved again to the Bush administration's fearmongering tactics. This time, they've negotiated a 'compromise' fix to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) sought by Bush that grants full retroactive amnesty to the telecom giants for participation in his illegal program to spy on Americans.
But why amnesty? Bush wants retroactive immunity for the telecom companies to thwart civil liberties lawsuits that threaten to expose his own violations of the original FISA law. If these lawsuits aren't allowed to go forward, we may never know the extent of the Bush administration's illegal efforts to spy on American citizens without the required warrants.
Senator Rockefeller of West Virginia -- flush with new contributions from telecom company executives -- has pushed a draft bill through the Senate Intelligence committee. But Senator Dodd of Connecticut has courageously stood up and requested a "hold" on this bill until the retroactive immunity is taken out.
Regrettably, though, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid does not seem ready to respect the Senate's tradition of honoring another Senator's "hold," so Senator Dodd may be forced to actually filibuster the bill. To show support for Senator Dodd on this issue, all of our senators need to hear that we support him in resisting retroactive immunity for violations of our constitutional rights.
Thank you for working to build a better world.
Will Easton, Manager
ActForChange.com/Working Assets
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