Photo from source, HuffingtonPost.com
There's a reason that Jon Stewart's impression of President Bush always contains inappropriate giggles. It's because the President will grin, and giggle with a twinkle in his eye at the most inappropriate times. It's really quite bizarre. But hey, at least he seems to have stopped doing that alarming jaw-thrusting thing. Maybe they adjusted his dosage. . .
Your president giggled and grinned while discussing World War III today.
"But this -- we got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding [grinning] World War III [end grinning], it seems like you [begin giggling] ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge [end giggling] necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
Hahahaha! Yeah! Zinger! That's funny shit. For the record, here's his expression while saying the words "World War Three": (See photo above) . . .
Read the rest at: HuffingtonPost.com
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