Image captured from source, RawStory.com
I wrote my own story on this yesterday, but I thought I'd give you another take on it. And, I confess, I wanted to show the screen capture I got of the video included in the site.
I think it's particularly hilarious how he looks like Nathan Lane from the birdcage: "you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman!"
Hannity disses Ron Paul victory in Fox post-debate pollFox News host Sean Hannity dismissed a text messaging poll from his own network after presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) scored a decisive victory among television viewers of Sunday's Republican debate.
"You've got your Ron Paul folks out there, so I'm not a big believer in that particular poll," said Hannity after the results were announced. . .
Read the whole thing at: RawStory.com
Ron Paul needs to start attacking his opponents specifically by name and getting competitive. That's how the front runners get so much media coverage, the back and fourth bantering. If anyone knows someone working in his campaign please spread the word. If for example he specifically called out Mitt Romney on something, Romney would be forced to reply, and that's something the media would cover and people would pay more attention.