I didn't catch last night's Republican Debate on FOX "News." I honestly didn't even know it was on, and Sunday night television is too good to watch something like that. Anyway, I thought I'd say just a little something about what little I did catch from the special edition of Hannity & Colmes, which was on right after the debate.
When I flipped on the TV, there was Alan Colmes, reading the results of the FOX "News" text-messaging vote on who had won the debate. Far out ahead (38%, if I remember correctly), was dark horse, Ron Paul. Hannity was immediately apoplectic, protesting that it was rigged, phony, the Paul supporters always do that, whatever.
Hilariously though, it was FOX's own polling that produced the result! Also, FreeRepublic.com, one of the most ardent supporters of FOX on the internet, regularly suggests that its members "Freep" polls, to boost numbers on their side. The Paul supporters are just doing as they're told!
So if the poll was "Freeped," where were all of the Rudy and Mitt fans? Why didn't they Freep the poll too? What Sean is really complaining about is that Ron Paul's base is so energized, they are capable of getting out the vote.
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