Photo from source, RawStory.com
Yes! One more of the very few Congressional Democrats with cojones says he will filibuster the "blanket immunity" that spineless Democrats (along with the Republican rubber-stampers) have agreed to give telecom companies. Russ Feingold joins Chris Dodd in fighting this madness.
Rocky road ahead for Senate's gift of telecom immunity
Feingold vows to use 'every tool at my disposal' to block telecom immunity, protect privacy; Dodd says will filibuster.
"The bill still cedes far too much power to the executive branch, which has time and again shown it will only abuse it," Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) said in a statement. "If the bill that ultimately reaches the Senate floor includes immunity and does not adequately protect the privacy of Americans, I will fight it vigorously with every tool at my disposal."
Read the whole story at: RawStory.com
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