Photo of John Aravosis from BartNagel.com
BlogActive's Mike Rogers calls AmericaBlog's John Aravosis his "blogfather," because of Aravosis' influence on Rogers. I feel that influence myself, and credit AmericaBlog (along with Huffington Post) with inspiring me to start my own blog.
I personally do not know John Aravosis, but have communicated with him in email, and he's always been gracious. He's a smart fellow, and also strongly opinionated. I do not agree with everything he says (I can't imagine such a person). I haven't abandoned or raged against AmericaBlog when Aravosis takes a position I don't agree with. It's actually quite startling how many people fly into a rage in the comments areas, when a post rubs them the wrong way. Contrary to George W.'s stance on everything, we do not live in a binary, black or white, on or off world.
Ahem. That was a long way to go to get to a point (sorry, I do tend to wander off on tangents), which was made by Aravosis today; that the press increasingly relies on press releases, and he-said/she-said, "balanced" stories, rather than actual reporting. So it is startling when you run across an actual news. Here's an excerpt from AmericaBlog, which features an excerpt from AP to illustrate that point.
Wow, an entire Associated Press story about how Huckabee may have made a fatal gaffe yesterday. The thing is, AP didn't quote outsiders saying this, they did their own election analysis, God bless them. They actually wrote a real news story, acted like real journalists, and analyzed the news rather than just regurgitating press releases in a never-ending contest of he-said-she-said. . .
Read the rest at: AmericaBlog
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