Image from source, Raw Story
I often excerpt stories from The Raw Story, because it is an excellent source of the news that somehow doesn't make the news. This story though, just makes me laugh. But underneath the laughter, there is the weariness the nation is feeling after seven long years (and the realization that there is still a year to go). How, exactly, did we get here?
The good news as I see it, is that Bush/Cheney was an end game for the Neo-Con dream. It's really amazing how dichotomous the "vast right-wing conspiracy" team can be; at once frighteningly successful and incompetent. They laid impeccable groundwork, accomplished everything they set out to do. . .but they had Bush/Cheney, the least popular team in recent history, in the leadership positions.
If Republicans hold on to the White House this year after those two clowns, I'm going to start wondering about witchcraft or demonic energies. I mean, what this group has already achieved comes off like the (very) bad writing of the Left Behind series. Anyway, on with the funny. . .
'Asses of Evil' buttons top seller at Iowa Dem campaign stops
. . .Among the most popular items at Democratic rallies are buttons bidding President Bush "good riddance," and a button branding Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld the "Asses of Evil." Hill reporter Jim Snyder is much more modest, describing the button as simply bearing an "off-color paraphrase of the famous 'Axis of Evil' line.". .
Read more at: Raw Story
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