John Edwards is the Rodney Dangerfield of Presidential politics right now. Which is strange, since he's a strong third in the race on the Democratic side. OK, admittedly there are only four left (five if you count Gravel), but he's in a virtual three-way tie in the polls in Nevada right now. He turns up first in every single straw poll so far on Air America Radio's The Tom Hartmann Program. Many other online polls put him first as well.
I like the guy, and I still plan to caucus for him in Nevada on Saturday. It may be a futile attempt, but caucuses (cauci?) and primaries are not a winner-take-all contest. If I can help throw him some delegates, maybe he can do the rest of the work on "Super-Duper Tuesday."
Mostly, I can't help but wonder why Edwards gets next to no press, while Rudy Giuliani--who is doing absolutely terribly so far--is still considered in contention on the Republican side. His numbers are lower than Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul most of the time. Shouldn't he be the guy who gets no respect?
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