Photo from source, TPM Muckraker
Does this crap work on anybody anymore? The Bush administration used to at least cloak themselves in layered language when lying. They wouldn't actually say that Iraq had something to do with 9/11. They'd just suggest it, urgently and repeatedly. These days, the administration, or George W. Bush himself, just lie outright.
Before you jump on my case, and accuse me of "Bush Derrangement Syndrome," this one is incontrivertible. The Congress let the "Protect America Act" lapse this weekend. Bush said it was of utmost importance, and that possible attacks would ensue if it lapsed. He also said he'd veto this self-same extremely important act if it did not include retroactive immunity for telecom companies who surveilled Americans without warrants.
So, it would not have mattered if the House had passed the thing. He would have vetoed it, because they did not provide for this immunity. But he continues to lie, by repeating that we are somehow now defenseless without the act. Bull. He could (gasp!) get a warrant. Not only that, the provisions of the act are still in effect for a year. Won't someone in the mainstream media (besides Keith Olbermann) finally start calling this man what he is? He's a liar. Plain and simple.
Bush Beats Drum... Again
For the third morning in a row now, President Bush got in front of the cameras and accused Democrats of exposing the nation to attacks by refusing to pass the Senate's version of the intelligence bill.
From the Decider Himself:
"People say, oh, it doesn't matter if this law hasn't been renewed -- it does matter. It matters for a variety of reasons. It matters because the intelligence officials won't have tools necessary to get as much information as we possibly can to protect you. And it matters because these telephone companies that work collaboratively with us to protect the American people are afraid they're going to get sued."
Poor babies.
Read more at: TPM Muckraker
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