Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Get Active: Tell the House NO on Immunity

It's all well and good for us to be outraged about the Senate's capitulation on the FISA bill, allowing for retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies. But don't you wish you could do something about it? Guess what, you can. Join me, and add your name to this petition to the House of Representatives. It takes two minutes, and you'll feel a little bit better.

[Email from Credo Action]

"The Single Largest Invasion of Privacy in American History."

Yesterday the Senate rejected the amendment offered by Senators Dodd and Feingold to strip retroactive immunity from the Intelligence Committee's wiretapping reform bill. It went on to pass the Intelligence Committee's bill by a wide margin.

As a progressive organization that lives inside of a very good mobile phone company this fight was personal. We know that a telecom company should never, ever help the White House wiretap Americans without a warrant. And AT&T and Verizon should know that, too.

Together we've fought long and hard against retroactive immunity for the telecom companies that helped Bush spy illegally on Americans. Hundreds of thousands of citizens like you stood up and told their Senators that we expect them to defend the rule of law. Sadly, it seemed that the deck was always stacked against us in the Senate.

But the fight isn't over yet.

Last fall, the House passed the RESTORE Act, a FISA reform bill that included solid oversight of domestic surveillance and did not contain retroactive immunity. [snip]

Three out of the four committees in Congress that have worked on this FISA legislation have rejected retroactive immunity. Please join in one last time and ask the House leadership to stand by their good work and report a bill that doesn't include retroactive immunity.

Click here to tell the House leadership -- stand firm, no retroactive immunity for lawbreakers.

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