Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bobby Jindal on Face the Nation on Intelligent Design

I commented earlier that Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, Governor of Louisiana was featured Sunday morning on CBS' Face the Nation. Jindal is seen as the future of the Republican Party. I've read several swooning references, from "future President" to "another Ronald Regan."

But there is an issue for those of us who have less than reverent feelings about St. Ronnie, and for those of us who think religion and state should be separate. Jindal is rolling in religion, and it goes so far that he's for teaching "Intelligent Design" in biology classes. Intelligent Design is a "theory" (in the loosest sense of the word) that the origins of life had to have been created by an intelligent designer. In short, it is creationist dogma scrubbed free of the specifics, in order to make it harder to brand as a religious idea. But whatever it is, it isn't science, and belongs there about as much as verb conjugation belongs in math class. Here's what Jindal has to say about it.

1 comment:

  1. As disturbing as Jindal's views on evolution, he is also a denier of the Armenian genocide who is in the pocket of the government of Turkey.


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