Photo from Raw Story
As predicted, Rep. Dennis Kucinich's 35-count motion to impeach George W. Bush has barely made a blip, and is likely to be quietly forgotten (unless Kucinich gets his dander up again). I do understand why, but I don't have to like it. It is very likely that shining the spotlight on Bush in an impeachment inquiry would re-galvanize some of the Republicans that have been shed over the last few years. It would possibly jeopardize the Democrats' strongest chance to take back the White House in years.
But it is extremely unpleasant to think that Bush and his administration may just get away with everything. It will be absolute torture--assuming Barack Obama wins--to hear the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys squawking about every teeny little "scandal" that pops up. It is virtually guaranteed that they will go after Obama just as fiercely as they did Clinton. And we remember how resoundingly stupid many of those "scandals" were, right up to the impeachment for lying about a hummer.
How can we ever take Congress seriously again? Republicans, when they were in charge, allowed the President to do whatever he wanted, and were so in lock-step with him, he never used his veto pen. Republicans shut the Democrats out of everything, rendering them impotent. Now that the Democrats have (slight) control, they are hamstrung by the most obstructionist Republican minority ever. They are also strung up by their own namby-pambiness, not even forcing Republicans to make good on their many filibuster threats. Make them do it! But they don't.
Here is a piece sent to me by Stupid Monkey Planet, expressing similar frustrations in a much more coherent way. I don't agree 100% with the writer, but it's close. Take a look.
Bush wrongdoing and Democratic complicity needs to be exposed
Last week, Congressman Dennis Kucinich stood for nearly five hours in the House chamber, reading aloud the case for impeaching President George W. Bush.
The irony is that Kucinich's fellow Democrats, in their own act of dereliction of duty, chose to bury these 35 articles of impeachment.
It would be one thing if these Democrats thought the charges against Bush weren't justified. Most of them believe that the president did indeed break the law, violated the Constitution and probably deserves to be impeached. . .
Read more at: Nevada Appeal
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