Sunday, June 1, 2008

Whack-a-doodle Clinton Supporters

Now, wait. Before you get all defensive, I'm not saying all Hillary Clinton supporters are nuts. But the two ladies featured here sure are. I'm sure there are mostly sensible Clintonites just like there are mostly reasonable Obamatons. One problem I have is that vocal Clinton supporters seem to believe every bit of twisted, warped truthiness out of the Clinton campaign. "More votes than any primary candidate in history!" Yeah, if you count those voters jusssst a certain way. . . You get my point.

But the worst attitude--one that I don't see or hear much from Barack Obama supporters--is the notion that they will enthusiastically vote for John McCain if their Democratic choice isn't nominated. What? Are these people really Democrats? They'd not only allow, but assist in seating another Republican administration? Would they be happy to see a solidly conservative Supreme Court? Do they want more wars? Crazy.

Source: The Jed Report

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