Tuesday, August 5, 2008

FOX "News" Amps Up "Fair and Balanced" Image

There are websites dedicated to proving--daily--that FOX "News" is anything but fair and balanced. Even if there weren't, people with eyes, ears and brains can figure it out for themselves. Do a search for "FOX" at the top left of this page to find dozens of examples on this site alone--and that isn't even my focus!

Still, for some unfathomable reason, FOX "News" is once again trumpeting their slogan (this time as "balanced, fair" and their other standby, "we report, you decide" in a new advertisement. The first time I saw it, I actually burst out laughing. If--as is my hope--Democrats once again attain the White House this fall, FOX might do well to abandon this tack once and for all, and just brand themselves "Your Conservative Center for News" or something. I mean, what are they gonna do without their daily White House talking points?

Found at: Newshounds

UPDATE: At the Newshounds comments section (link above), I found this hilarious script for a more truthful ad:

Bill O'Reilly: "Soapy Boobs"
Megyn Kelly: "No, you're never gonna get it."
Sean Hannity: "SIEG HEIL!"
Alan Colmes: "I'm the evil cheating Wrassler that hits people over the head with a chair when they're not looking" Boooooooo!
Shepard Smith: "I'm the Gay one"
Greta Van Susteren: "I inform you of missing White Women"
Megyn Kelly: "Don't you wish your Girlfriend was a freak like me?"
Trace Gallagher: "I read off the prompter thingie"
Martha McCallum: "I am the cute one"
Brit Hume: "I like funny youtube clips"
Bill O'Reilly: "Great Big Soapy Boobs"
Fox News: We are on TV. (Posted by Escape Goat News Network)

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