Image from source, TPM Muckraker
FOX "News" still seems to be trying to sell shiny happy Iraq stories. Their morning team on the oddly named FOX & Friends rhapsodized about a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in Fallujah as evidence that we're winning in Iraq! Problem: it seems to be bogus.
KFC In Fallujah? Too Finger-Licking Good To Be True
Last Thursday, Fox News ran a brief segment on a KFC restaurant opening in Fallujah before segueing into an interview with former CENTCOM Commander Tommy Franks, who was asked to comment on the presence of an American fast food restaurant in the notoriously violent Iraqi city. "Do they have a drive-thru window?" Steve Doocy asks. "They get in and get out. And, so far, they do it safely," answers Brian Kilmeade. . .
Read more at: TPM Muckraker
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