Image from source, AOL News
Conspiracy theories come in many flavors, and theorists com in all political stripes. As far as I know, people who don't believe the "official" story on John F. Kennedy's assassination don't fit any particular political beliefs as a whole. "9/11 truthers" are likely mostly left-wing, though I'm sure there are a few libertarians in there. The people who claim that Barack Obama is not a "natrual born citizen" (known as "birthers") are mostly conservative. Make that far right wing, as I'm not sure they fit the traditional definition of conservative.
The politics of moon landing deniers aren't at the forefront of their movement. But their belief in the theory that the moon shots were faked is every bit as fervent as some truthers'* or birthers' beliefs. And today, it would seem that we have proof that we really did land on the moon. The question is, will the conspiracy therorists believe it? Or will they just add a whole new chapter (on how this was faked too) to their theory?
Apollo Sites Spotted by Lunar Scout
For stubborn folks who still believe the Apollo astronauts never landed on the moon, NASA has new images — definitive proof — that clearly show the Apollo 11 lander that carried the first astronauts to the lunar surface 40 years ago. . .
Read more at: AOL News
*Full disclosure: Of these theories, the only one I have any adherence to is the 9/11 Truth movement, and only to parts of that. I don't like to assign my own storyline to 9/11, and I don't think the planes were fake, or any of that. I just don't buy the official story as written. So I guess I'm a "Truther Lite."
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