Image from source, Just Jared
I mean, c'mon, who doesn't like Ryan Reynolds? And while Green Lantern was always my brother's favorite superhero, and mine was a tie between The Flash and Shazam! (the original Captain Marvel), I'm still excited to see any of the big DC Comics heroes get a big feature. We've been waiting forever for Wonder Woman and Justice League of America. Batman has been done to death, and despite its success has never been a favorite of mine. I loved Superman Returns, but no one agrees with me.
Green Lantern is probably one of the toughest DC heroes to do justice to (the others being Plastic Man, Metel Men, Metamorpho, Elongated Man and Firestorm). His power is basically to generate anything from his green power ring. These days, that certainly seems doable, especially in light of Transformers. I guess they could do Firestorm if Green Lantern works, since the transformative powers are similar. Anyway, I'm excited. Let's hope this one actually happens.
Ryan Reynolds is Green Lantern
The Proposal star Ryan Reynolds will headline the live-action superhero flick, Green Lantern. He most recently played Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. . .
Read more at: JustJared.com
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