Image from PunditKitchen
Holy moly. This weekend has been rough on ye editor. Three days in a row, I've woken up with a headache. To top that off, the past two mornings, I've also awakened with intense dental pain. I still don't know what that's about. After all, I just had a dental visit on Friday, with no obvious problems. It's a deep ache though, and it's on uppers and lowers on the left side. What's more, it comes and it goes. I guess I'll just keep an eye (tongue?) on it for a few days, and keep the (yuck) OraJel handy.
So, my morning got a very late start, as I spent much of it with a pillow over my eyes. I just fired up the DVR to watch--hold your excitement--Meet the Press with David Gregory. They've hauled John McCains bones before the camera again, even though I'm sure he made the Sunday chat rounds last week. For an extended segment, Gregory drilled McCain about Sarah Palin's resignation as Alaska Governor. Grampy lied, lied, lied though his teeth through most of it, but could not bring himself to endorse this women (who he loves and would nominate again) for President. It was a sad, sorry spectacle. And it made me forget about my headache and toothaches. Thanks, Johnny!
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