Thursday, July 23, 2009

Barack Obama's Birth Announcements Not Good Enough

Image from source, WND

I know I'm posting a lot about the ridiculous "birther" conspiracy theory, that says President Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen. What can I say, I can't resist the crazy. It's this month's Sarah Palin. If you're not convinced that this is a stupid story, you've just got to read the excerpted article below, and then allow yourself to follow what you've read to its logical conclusion.

See, there have been birth announcements found from 1961 in two different papers. The article below picks apart the procedures for placement, the manner of writing, and whether or not Obama could have been born outside the country, and then had his announcements appear in the Hawaii papers anyway. While you're noodling that around, ponder why his parents, his family or the papers would have bothered doing such a thing. What impetus would anyone have had in 1961 to fake the origins of a little biracial boy? Every conspiracy has its harder-than-usual-to-believe elements, but this one takes a willful blindness and allegiance to the concept to even ponder.


Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace
Announcements published in 1961 not solid evidence of U.S. location

The announcements of Barack Obama's birth printed by two Hawaii newspapers in 1961 do not provide solid proof of a birth in the Aloha State because of uncertainties over the policies and procedures that apparently were being used at the time. . .

Read all about it at: World Nut Net Daily

UPDATE: As I stated in earlier posts, the claims in this conspiracy theory keep changing. Whereas people have claimed that Obama has payed $1 mllion, $2 million or just "millions" of dollars to cover all of this up, the WND article claims: "Complicating the situation is Obama's decision to spend sums estimated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight releasing a state birth certificate that could put to rest the questions."

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