Image from source, Joe.My.God
There are a couple of things about this story that irritate me. Number one, is that petitioners in Washington State who are trying to revoke domestic partnership rights. Whenever a same-sex marriage debate ensues, the "opposition" will claim they have no problem with gay relationships, only that it shouldn't call it "marriage." But look what happens when gays settle for an "other than marriage" arrangement.
The other thing that annoys me is that these folks feel so strongly about the issue, they're willing to sign a petition to revoke rights of other people, and that affect the petitioners' right not one whit. But those same people get bashful when their names might be made public. TOUGH.
WA: Haters Want To Hide Their Names
Protect Families Washington is suing the state to prevent the publication of the names of people who signed the Referendum 71 petition, which would overturn the state's brand-new domestic partners law. Washington's secretary of state says the request will be heard in court, but that the haters shouldn't hold their breath. . .
Read more at: Joe.My.God.
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