Sunday, October 23, 2011

Steve Jobs Wanted to Crush "Stolen" Android

Image from source, MSNBC
I can surely understand why Steve Jobs was perturbed about Google's Android phone and tablet operating system. After all, more phones are sold with Android than with Apple's iOS. But I'm not sure I agree with his reasoning, or am even sympathetic. After all, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates basically stole from Xerox when they created the Macintosh and Windows, respectively.

I might agree if Google actually stole technology. But if they're merely making a similar product? Whoop-de-friggin'-do! Edison didn't have exclusive rights to making records or record players. There are many manufacturers of very, very similar dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, refrigerators, cordless phones, televisions, stereos. . . I understand wanting to trounce the competition. But you don't get the eternal right to no competition. I'm starting to wonder if the upcoming Steve Jobs biography is going to sully his image more than enhancing it.


Jobs tears into Google in upcoming biography

Google can only hope that Steve Jobs' final vendetta doesn't haunt the Internet search leader from his grave. 

The depths of Jobs' antipathy toward Google leaps out of Walter Isaacson's authorized biography of Apple's co-founder. The book goes on sale Monday, less than three weeks after Jobs' long battle with pancreatic cancer culminated in his Oct. 5 death. The Associated Press obtained a copy Thursday. . .

Read more at: MSNBC

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