Wednesday, October 10, 2007

9/11 Truthers Respond to Bill Maher

I love Bill Maher, and his HBO show Real Time. I really dug his old Comedy Central/ABC-TV show Politically Incorrect too. Hey, I've even paid to see Maher when he's been to Las Vegas. What I like most about him is that I don't always agree with him, but he always makes me think.

That said, I did think he was a little harsh to the "9/11 Truth" crowd with one of his "New Rules" a few weeks ago. I understand why he did it--he got countless letters from some of the fringier, crazier of the bunch, and he got fed up. But it's usually more Maher's style to investigate both sides of a story. . .to see that whatever is on the surface, there may be something different underneath.

I personally think that the problem with the 9/11 Truthers is that they focus too much on explanations of "what might have happened." Those things sound crazy to people. You need to hook them with a stronger, more fact-based, "what did and did not happen." Once you have them on board, then give them some suppositions, but couch them strongly in the "maybe" field. As it is, all of the points get jumbled into one big whole, and it is very easy for people to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Just my two cents. Here, is the 9/11 Truth response video to Bill Maher, using some vulgar humor (you are warned!), some clever--if a bit cheesy--video editing, and some very attractive "reporters." Enjoy.

For another take on the video, read this interview at:

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